Mystery Of Three Quarters



The mystery of three quarters is written by Sophie Hannah, the third in her series of Hercules Poirot novel , after being undertaken by estate of  Agatha Christie. Not much of a fan of detective fiction , but “why to stay in a box” right?? Looking forward to read and tell you guys more about her work or detective stories.

 “If you will allow Poirot to offer you a piece of wise advice: the pursuit of revenge is rarely a good idea.”

 As can one easily “get the idea”,it is a detective novel with “M. Poirot” being the detective. The 4 people get a letter from m poirot accusing them of the murder. The 4 people at different time confronted while 2 of them acting or yelling and the other two with a sweet ascent.

On further investigation it is found that the murder he is accused of, has been an accidental death. But the detective moves further on with his investigation.

The story is blend of family dispute, holding grudge against one another giving the readers various lesson with a little bit of humour. As every detective has an eye for the detail so does our detective. The author has done an amazing job in portraying the detective feature with some real life facts.

The story does tell about the family members who are going to love you no matter what you do. They will just keep loving you and supporting you unconditionally and stand by your side.


Originally published- 23 august, 2018

Genre- Mystery, Historical Fiction, Detective Fiction, Historical fiction

Preceded by- the green casket

Author- Sophie Hannah


 as we all don’t like to stay in a 4*4 room, so from next week we are going to start a new section “name won’t be disclosed-surprise”. The page is going to be about anything new or something UNIQUE in a way”.

Don’t forget to check it out!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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