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"Every relationship requires effort but Long Distance Relationship requires more..."
                                -Sudeep Nagarkar

Don’t worry this is not a government handbook. It’s rather a book of an Indian author his real-life experience. Everyone who is in a long-distance relationship will relate to this book.

The book tells about the hardship and also points out some serious problems that the couples go through like trust issues, time management, emotional problems, wrong impression due to internet connectivity(the villain of the author’s heroic story), etc. Both the protagonists are different but you know “love find it’s own way through everything, through any differences” and breaking the chain of the old stereotypical mindsets.

 The detail of the author is too impressive of various events, for example, the place where he met the female protagonist or their first fight, and after reading the various situations tackled by them, having each other’s back.The author tries to keep the language simple, keeping the audience in mind while trying to convey his story to young readers. 

One can easily tell how much the author put in his efforts into writing, despite the fact that he has written several other novels based on the same theme(P.S. I did not read any of them but the reviews implicate like that).
One of the author’s strongest fortē can be easily seen here and that is CLOAKING EVERYTHING UNDER THE LAYER OF ROMANTIC FICTION.

A strong recommendation for all the young readers who desperately want to read some light love fiction.

Publisher       Random House India
ISBN              9386057069,9789386057068
Length           256 Pages
Subject          Fiction>General

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